ALT text: 3oranda 's Delusional Attachement Carrd

^ This is a carrd website explaining delusion attachments in a simple form for those who don't experience them. This Carrd also talks about some of the experiences some of us with DA's ( delusional attachments ) experience. This personally is my favorite one since it has genuinely good information and tips on here.

(Credits to @3oranda on Twitter)

ALT text: Bunydolls' Delusional Attachement Carrd

^ This is another Carrd website that explains DA's and experiences also. It has great information just like all of the sources here.

(Credits to @bunydolls on Instagram)

ALT text: Cat gender wingism 's Delusional Attachement Carrd

This is a good Instagram post explaining DA's very short and quickly. It's very good for only a few slides.

(Credits to catgenderwingism on Instagram.)

Q & A for this Carrd


Q: Can I share my experience with my DA's?
A: DM anyone of the people with sources on here and they might add you and your experiences to their carrds/posts/etc.


Q: Can I add the link to this to my Carrd/Website?
A: Absolutely with credit. ( look at the end of the Q&A.


Q: Can I have my carrd/post/etc I made about DA's added to here?
A: Yes! Dm me on either of my accounts on instagram.


Q: Who made this carrd for the sources?
A: ultimatenvrse / bbyebyeouchies on instagram.

( Made with Carrd )